Job Opportunity: Postdoc in Geoelectric Geophysics applied to permafrost, CNRS

Postdoc in Geoelectric Geophysics applied to permafrost at Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in Le Bourget-du-Lac, France

General information:

Offer title: Postdoc in Geoelectric Geophysics applied to permafrost (M/W) (H/F)
Reference: UMR5204-FLOMAG-009
Number of position: 1
Workplace: Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
Date of publication: 15 December 2023
Type of Contract: FTC Scientist
Contract Period: 12 months
Expected date of employment: 1 March 2024
Proportion of work: Full time
Remuneration: From 3331.51€ et 4081.77€ gross per month
Desired level of education: Niveau 8 – (Doctorat)
Experience required: 1 to 4 years
Section(s) CN: Continental surface and interfaces


Researcher in geoelectrical methods in geophysics applied to high mountain permafrost in the frame of the assessment of the risks from glacial and periglacial origins project funded by the French Ministry of Ecology. The recruited researcher will be part of the Morphodynamics team in the EDYTEM laboratory and will be supervised by both André Revil and Florence Magnin


The work will consist in processing about 3 years of geoelectrical data acquisition on the Aiguille du Midi site (Mont Blanc massif) in the aim to assess the evolution of permafrost at daily to pluriannual time scale. The work will be motivated by research questions focusing on permafrost degradation processes, ice content and water flows in rockwall permafrost. Data analysis will require to order the data and to find solutions to face difficulties associated with heterogeneous data quality. Results will be published in high-ranking journals (for example The Cryosphere, Journal of Geophysical research, Geopphysical Journal International) and the researcher will be involved in the communication of the results at meetings and national and/or international conferences.


The researcher will have a solid experience in geolectrical methods (including data filtering and tomography) and having an experience in permafrost science will be a major asset. There is no rule or constrains about the tools and codes that will be used for the study but the researcher will need to be independent and autonomous regarding this matter. The candidate will also be willing to present his results orally and to write scientific articles in English. Knowing French is not mandatory but will be a certain advantage (to communicate with funders and land-planners).

Work Context:

The researches will be conducted in the pluridsciplinary EDYTEM laboratory, an “Unité Mixte de Recherche” (Mixed Research Unit) belonging to both the CNRS and Univeristy Savoie Mont Blanc, but whose common line is mountain environment. He/she will be related to the Morphodynamics team, which hosts about fifteen permanent researchers, an engineer and a lot of PhD candidates and postdocs, mostly in the fields of geology, geophysics and physical geography.

Constraints and risks:

The work could imply working in high mountain environment is the researcher is willing to (for collecting additional but not compulsory) measurements, but this part of the work is not mandatory.

Deadline: 5 January 2024